mattst88's stuff - Fix for Creative ZEN V Plus won't connect: Code-10

How to enable SSL-IRC-access to Freenode and OFTC with XChat

The two main IRC networks I use are Freenode and OFTC. I've always liked the idea (though I don't currently make use of it) of things like HTTPS Everywhere, and I remember being disappointed the last time I checked if major IRC networks supported SSL. For some reason, I checked tonight and found out they do! Here's how to set it up with XChat on Linux.

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Fix for Creative ZEN V Plus won't connect: Code-10

I just spent the better part of my afternoon figuring out what the hell was wrong with my girlfriend's Creative ZEN V Plus MP3 player. It froze yesterday and hasn't been able to connect to our computers since. Everytime she turned it on, it said Rebuilding Library, but it normally only does that during the boot immediately after it froze and has to be manually reset. It wouldn't connect in Linux, and in Windows the obnoxious balloon tips would report "MTP device found" again and again. In the Device Manager, it reported "Code 10: Device cannot start." Well, we finally found a fix.

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